Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Cranky Old Cat Ladies In Libraries

Right now, i'm sitting in a library with two of my good friends. as we sat down at the computers, I quietly made a remark to my friend stating that it was taking a long time to login. all of a sudden this creepy old lady emerges from the atlas cubicle that she has constructed around the computer next to me. she says to me "If you have come here to talk then leave!" i thought to myself, ok lady obviously, the average person does not erect an atlas fort for farts and giggles so if you want privacy then you need to go somewhere else because this is a public library not a private one. its a little weird because she keeps talking to me and is saying stuff like "they are gonna disturb everyone in the whole town" and "i wonder what grades you get, probably f f f f f" its just a little bit annoying. kids these days.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Crappy Live Bands

Crappy live bands are extremely annoying. You can't understand them and all that comes out of it all are two bells constantly dinging away in your ears for the next week. The reason why I am writing about this is because I have recently had experience with one. Earlier this evening, me and my fam (minus dom) went to go see Linkin Park at the US Airways Center. Two bands opened for them; Paper Tongues (an excellent band) and some noob band from Philly. Paper Tongues is wonderful band live but the other one was horrendous! All around me, people were talking about how awful they were and how they should get off stage (my parents can testify). I don't know if they are just bad live or if they suck all around but one thing is for sure, I am never EVER going to see them live again!

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Candy is the best invention on the face of the planet. Just add sugar, artificial colors and flavors, and a catchy name, and you got the perfect way to get revenge on your kids for all the pain they caused you when they didn't have children. The best part about candy is it comes in bulk! Good for parties, Halloween, or teenagers with some extra cash (sucks for you mom!). Candy is also very delicious. With cherry, strawberry, blueberry, blue raspberry, apple, and Dum Dums thinking about making a bacon flavored Dum Dum, there is a flavor for everyone! So stock up on your favorite candy like nuclear war will break out tomorrow!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Big Words

I like using big/important words in the average conversation for two reasons;
      1) It makes you look smart
      2) It makes them feel like they should use big words giving you the opportunity to correct them and make yourself look even smarter
A few easy words you can use are;
-Plethora: a lot of
-... Ok maybe just one but that doesn't mean I don't know any more!
 Any way I hope you use this information wisely to further advance your pursuits of awesomeness!

My First Post

Hey guys! I'm so glad you came to check out my blog. This is going to be a place where I share my thoughts, ideas, and the other random things that continually race through my brain.